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Survivor Series Getting Changed? IMPACT Might Lose A Major Name and More! – ComicCorp News

WWE Changing Survivor Series Plans? – The WWE might be changing plans for Survivor Series. Scrapping a planned AJ Styles vs. Rusev match for a team qualifier for the RAW vs. SmackDown match, Shane McMahon has announced that AJ Styles will take on Jinder Mahal for the WWE Championship. Now this is either one of two thins.
1) The WWE is attempting to put over Mahal at the expense of Styles so Mahal can look better heading into the Survivor Series match.
2) The WWE is worried about drawing power for the main event of the show, and want to put the belt on Styles instead, making it Lesnar vs. Styles.

More IMPACT Turnover – With IMPACT looking at bringing in more Canadian talent for the upcoming events in Ottawa, they’ve let go of Brian Hebner and Robert King, who weren’t going to be brought up to Canada. Hebner requested his release, while King I’m told was just outright released. With Scott D’Amore given more and more say, it appears as though he’s looking at using more Canadian talent, which explains some departures. Minor releases were also confirmed to be Marshe Rockett, a Billy Corgan signing and little used Knockout MJ Jenkins.

Major IMPACT Departure Coming? – There’s also word going around that James Storm might be let go as well, as IMPACT looks to distance themselves from the past. There’s no word on where he’d end up, as he left NXT to return to IMPACT, but he should have options. The truth about Storm is sad, but true; he was brought back in 2016 to reform Beer Money with Bobby Roode and feud with The Wolves. However, Roode quickly scuttled off to NXT, leaving Storm in limbo in IMPACT ever since. With the rise of Eli Drake, Ethan Carter III, and names like Johnny Mundo and Lashley being looked at as main eventers, Storm’s main event push seems unlikely. Perhaps a run in ROH is looming? Who knows at this point, he might opt to re-sign still.

Quick Hits – Survivor Series poster reveals John Cena as special guest referee. Styles/Mahal may be a street fight as indicated by advertisement from the Manchester Arena. Lio Rush’s heat was so bad after his Asuka tweet, that many believed he was about to be fired. Rain, also known as Ms. Peyton Banks, is returning to Ring of Honor as part of their Women of Honor division.