Hawk Puts Titans Over Avengers, New Godzilla Monster Borrows From Classic Film? and More! – ComicCorp News

Titans Star Says His Series is Better than Infinity War – There’s something about Aquaman actors that make you so proud to be a DC fan.  Alan Ritchson, the first live action Aquaman during the Smallville days is currently playing Hawk on the new Titan series.  While talking to While talking to CBR, Ritchson explained why he believes Titans is better than Infinity War, saying;

I think I’m just excited that the fans are finally getting a really raw, human look at superheroes.  I think, for me, the reason I don’t go see Infinity War movies or whatever these are is because there’s no stakes in it. Everybody feels invincible all the time.

Why the Aquaman aspect matters is due to Jason Momoa.  Momoa once allegedly signed an autograph with “Fuck Marvel”.  It’s nothing more than an Urban Legend as far I can find, but it’s still pretty cool.

Rob Liefeld Explains Deadpool – Deadpool and Deathstroke are very similar, just ask anyone.  This isn’t the first time two comic characters look similar and while at the Los Angeles Comic Con, he explained that he didn’t borrow from Deathstroke when creating Deadpool, saying;

I did not. (When asked if he borrowed from Deathstroke).  I can do this.  If we had Deathstroke here: buccaneer boots, buccaneer gloves, half an effin’ mask, chainmail. Where is the chainmail?

Let me tell you guys how it went: ‘Hey guys, Todd McFarlane, he’s kind of blowing up on Spider-Man. I need a Spider-Man in my book. Oh, wow, so, I also like Wolverine. He’s my favorite character. Black and red, black and red. Can I tie him into Wolverine’s origin? So, can I do Spider-Man with guns and knives?



Godzilla Anime to Debut New Monster – The upcoming Godzilla: Aftershock anime will feature a new monster according to a new clip from the series.  The beast looks like the 1998 Godzilla movie monster.  The trailer that featured this has since been pulled from Twitter.

Update: After a YouTube search, a little known channel has the video for now, you can see it below.



Quick Hits – Entertainment Weekly is reporting that the now cancelled Boba Fett film was to feature little seen Star Wars characters like Dengar, Bossk, Zuckuss,  4-Lom  and IG-88.

Frank Grillo confirms that Crossbones return to the franchise is a flashback in Avengers 4.

A new rumor has Matt Reeves’ Batman still a few years away.

Venom has officially pulled in $500 million worldwide.

The Flash‘s 100th episode will feature The Flash and his most notable enemies coming back in the episode that will be directed actually by Tom Cavanagh.