‘The Crow’ Reboot All But Dead, ‘Godzilla’ Writer Explains Issues With Film and More! – ComicCorp News


‘The Crow’ Loses Lead Actor and Director – Jason Momoa apologized to fans after it was announced that he and director Corin Hardy left The Crow film.  Momoa insinuated on Instagram that it was over creative differences.  Momoa also claims that this was a dream role for him and that he still wants the role, even if it happens in another eight years.  There’s a second reason that the movie apparently isn’t happening and that’s because of Sony being unable to secure a deal with Samuel Hadida of Davis Films, who holds the rights to the film.

‘Godzilla’ 1998 Writer Reveals Issue With FilmIndependence Day writer, Dean Devlin recently sat down with SyFy and talked about the failures of his 1998 Godzilla remake.  Devlin revealed;

There was enormous pressure.  That was probably the biggest problem in making Godzilla, this assumption that it was going to be as big or as original or as strong as Independence Day. I don’t think it ever had that chance.

He then goes on to explain that his fandom may of gotten in the way;

I think part of the biggest problem was that I pushed Roland into doing the movie because I was a huge Godzilla fan.

I grew up with Godzilla and it wasn’t something that Roland had grown up with. He didn’t have a giant passion about Godzilla. He was able to find a story with me that he could get passionate about and he was passionate about the movie we made, but this was his take on it as opposed to honoring the Godzilla legacy in a way that would make the people who loved Godzilla happy.


Quick Hits – Stephen Amell claims that a crossover between Arrow and Supernatural wouldn’t be too hard.   Andrew Lincoln hinted at leaving The Walking Dead after it was revealed Chandler Riggs was being written off the show.  Riggs played Lincoln’s onscreen son Carl.   Nick Frost claims to be interested in playing The Penguin.  Sunset Overdrive 2 is currently not happening despite rumors.