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‘Flash’ Movie Update, Major Addition to ‘Supergirl’ and More! – ComicCorp News

*There was no ComicCorp news last night cus there wasn’t much to report and I fell asleep*.

Major Character Coming to ‘Supergirl’ – “Supergirl” is upping their game this year. With the addition of Mon-El last year, a member of the Legion of Superheros, it was believed that that the rest would eventually make their debut somewhere down the line. Now we can confirm that Amy Jackson has been cast to play Saturn Girl, another member of the Legion. The network gave some backstory to the character, saying;

Saturn Girl, aka Imra Ardeen, is a kind, smart, and strong-willed hero who uses her telekinetic ability to help those in need. She was born on Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, and arrives on Earth to help Supergirl battle one of her biggest threats.

Flash Movie Update – Variety’s Justin Krill is reporting that the people writing the movie for the upcoming Flash: Flashpoint film has finished the script but no one has been assigned yet to direct. Phil Lord and Chris Miller have signed on for the film “Artemis” but Robert Zemeckis of “Back to the Future”, as well as “Spider-Man’s” Sam Raimi, and “Kingsmen” Matthew Vaughn are all still in the running.

Odd DC Movie Coming – “Teen Titans Go!” is all the rage on Cartoon Network, to the point where the network airs that for 12 hours a day sometimes. Well apparently the series is being exported to the theater for a theatrical debut on July 28th, 2018.

Quick Hits – “Black Panthers” action scenes gaining rave reviews. Matt Damon has a cameo in the upcoming “Thor: Ragnarok” film, but it’s unverified.