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Update on Anthem/Hardy’s, Corgan-NWA Update, When Will GFW/TNA Merger End, and More! – WrestleCorp News

More Hardy Drama. I wish it’d just go away….so far away. To the news!

More Hardy/Anthem Update – So essentially everything we’ve heard from Ed Nordhalm is being corroborated by everyone I’m talking to, with most pundits either unsure or thinking Nordhalm maybe in the right as to owning the gimmick (his actions proving it are up for debate), however the only person adamant that The Hardy’s are in the right, is Ryan Satin (WWE IS BUYING ROH was his “story”). Satin is claiming that his “sources” (Reby Hardy) are disputing everything Anthem is claiming and agree with Satin’s other sources (Matt Hardy) as to the “truth” behind the situation.

HOWEVER, Nick Paglino of WrestleZone is reporting that Nordhalm is very earnest with his desire to work out a deal, as Nordhalm contacted Matt Hardy fan, and pro wrestling owner(?), Billy Corgan about helping sit down with Matt and reach a settlement. Corgan was well liked by some in the locker room, like Drew Galloway, The Bennett’s, and The Hardy’s (sense a theme?), and Nordhalm was hoping that Corgan being close with Matt (as well as one of the creators of the Broken Concept) would be at least something to interest Matt to sit down at the proverbial table and talk.

More Impact News – The merger of GFW and TNA Championships will officially end at Slammiversary on July 2nd. This will also resolve any and all “us” “them” angles still lingering too. The company I’m told is expected to unveil either newly branded Impact championships, or brand new designs for all the titles.

It’s also noted that Pop TV and Impact Wrestling’s contract expires in January of 2018.

Update on Corgan’s NWA – Billy Corgan’s purchase of the NWA is about 97% done, but no mention as to what the hang up is. It could be anything from the video library, to the streaming service to the franchising rights. As noted though, Dave Lagana will be joining Corgan in the new NWA. There’s also a rumor that notes long time TNA/Impact wrestler Jay Bradley/Aiden O’Shea will be joining Corgan in the new NWA. As Bradley received his best pushes under Corgan in 2012-2013 in Chicago’s Resistance Pro Wrestling, ran by Corgan, it’s not too surprising that he’d go where he’s wanted.

Quick Hits – Vince Russo wanted Val Venis to join D-X in the late 1990’s, but was vetoed by the group, according to Sean Waltman. Adam Cole is still unsigned, with Impact Wrestling making a hard play for him. Rumors have former WWE host and wrestler, Lita, will call the Mae Young Classic with Jim Ross. Goldberg replies to Asuka for breaking his undefeated streak, claiming it’s now in good hands.