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The Tessa-versy continues to leave us with more questions than answers

Tessa Blanchard came under fire during Hard to Kill weekend for an alleged incident that transpired a few years ago in Japan.

Tessa Blanchard’s history-making moment at the end of Hard to Kill was supposed to be the big talking point in the world of pro wrestling. A woman won the IMPACT World Championship. How progressive. Yet, the only story that remains on the lips of the community some three days later is the accusations levied against her by Allysin Kay.

Let’s be clear, no one, at all, is looking good in any of this. Blanchard was accused of using a racial slur towards Puerto Rican wrestlers La Rosa Negra and slapping her in the face.

Open and shut, right?

Well, no. As the days have stretched out more and more information about this incident is coming to light. Which should never have been the case in the first place. To levy such accusations with no details, no context, no explanation the day before this person is set to have the biggest moment of her life is quite distasteful.

That’s called spinning a narrative.

What was left out of this alleged moment is something Tommy Dreamer touched on, that this wasn’t Blanchard committing some sort of hate crime, but her reacting in a moment. You see, Negra and Blanchard were in the middle of a violent confrontation.  A fight had apparently transpired between the two women. Heated blows and no doubt heated words were thrown. Neither party was innocent.

So that leaves us with questions. Who started it? Did Negra say anything racist to Blanchard? Was Blanchard the target of some sort of hazing? Did Blanchard target La Negra and La Negra fight back?

Neither side is talking details, which means this situation is ugly. Monkey-butt ugly. So ugly that if the details got out, no one would be viewed as “the innocent one”. That’s why there isn’t anyone going on record to discuss the details. That’s the only reason.

It’s safe to say Blanchard did use a slur. What’s not safe to say is that she was the instigator or the only one throwing around slurs. When Allysin Kay opened up Pandora’s box, she opened it up just enough to ruin Blanchard’s weekend. She did it to be petty. There’s no doubt about that.

She can deny it all she wants but she waited until the biggest weekend of Blanchard’s career to post something. She didn’t do it in the heat of the moment, she went out of her way to message Negra beforehand, to make sure it was ok she did so. This was calculated. This was planned. This was something she thought out and did to hurt someone.

She may have asked permission but at the end of the day, it wasn’t her story to tell.  To make matters worse, rumors abound that Negra and Blanchard met in November to hash things out. According to, the two had already squashed their issues at WrestleCade in November of 2019.

The close friend of both stars stated the following regarding the issue:

“The issue regarding La Rosa and Tessa has been resolved. They both apologized to one another for what happened between them.”

The close friend has stated that the issue has been resolved since November during WrestleCade. The two individuals have talked several times in between then.

Big Swole even weighed in, saying that when Negra told her of the situation, she decided that a conversation needed to be had.

So since we telling stories….Big Swole’s turn. I won’t speak on all the other stories but the one about La Rosa I know personally. This past year at Wrestlecade I spoke to her about this and about hashing it out with Tessa. I’ve spoken to Tessa as well, after talking with La Rosa and I decided it needed to be dealt with. A conversation needed to happen because this was getting intense over the years. As a black woman this sickened me that this happened to a friend of mine. We have been dealing with this since it happened, it’s just now finding light on social media. People are entitled to deal with this how they want. I just want the world to know the last part of the story.

Big Swole outright claims the issue was done at WrestleCade. So Kay’s decision to speak on it wasn’t about holding Blanchard responsible, the locker room already did. The fact Kay would then go to social media after apologizes have been made, and the issue laid to bed shows just how unnecessary all this was.

Kay didn’t speak out because she was trying to hold Blanchard responsible, she was doing it to hurt Blanchard’s public image. Blanchard was wrong for using a slur, both her and Negra were wrong to get into a fistfight over whatever it was about. Kay was wrong to make this situation public when it didn’t involve her at all. Everyone in this may have different degrees of dirt tossed on them, but none of them are looking clean after.

This story isn’t done developing either. This tide won’t just harm Blanchard’s career and image, it’ll harm Kay’s and potentially others. The next part of this story isn’t far off.  So stay tuned.