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Big IMPACT Wrestling Backstage News, Final Battle Main Event Set and more! – WrestleCorp News

Major IMPACT News – For those wondering, PWInsider posted a nice clippings of backstage news, and this is the relevant stuff. Scott D’Amore is now heading creative, with Gaburick helping out (that last bit is from my own info). D’Amore’s new regime has some people on edge, as Canadian talent has been prioritized, cus duh. They’re in Canada. But it also has some wondering just how much priority they’ll receive. There’s also concern that certain top stars will be edged out of the company due to low ball offers, as a way to clear room. James Storm is a name mentioned. EC3’s contract is also up early next year, and there’s some speculation over what could happen there.

D’Amore also was the one who booked the ending to the BFG main event; so…yeah. That happened. The agents going on will be D’Amore, Sonjay Dutt, Abyss and Gail Kim. Speaking of Abyss, the reason for the abysmal Monsters Ball match was due to Abyss’ knee still being in rough shape, and coming back too soon. Despite Abyss’ win, Grado is expected back on the next set of tapings after the new year.

Jimmy Jacobs is now working as a producer backstage, and apparently even helped set up the really good AAA vs. IMPACT match at BFG. Jacobs will be working as an onscreen manager for now, but may get back in the ring. He’s also dropped the “Zombie Princess” moniker and is just going by “Princess” Jimmy Jacobs.

Some are heated with Alberto El Patron, not for the length of his promo on Sunday, (which has been edited out of the UK broadcast) but for having his own trailer at the tapings. However, this was agreed upon with Jeff Jarrett prior to his debut, and is a contractual obligation. El Patron is done for the tapings though, as he just flew back this morning from Canada.

Lashley also hip checked a young X-Division wrestler who complained about catering. Lashely informed the youngster to either eat it, or buy his own food and stop complaining. No name was mentioned by name but it was implied the person was newish to the industry or was not a vet yet. Considering the only X-Division guy with less than ten years of experience that I can think of is Dezmond Xavier, he makes the most sense. HOWEVER, I think more than likely it’s a newer Canadian based talent; as Xavier I’d imagine would have too much respect to do that. After all, he’s an unofficial member of oVe, having been affiliated with the group since his days on the indies.

Ring of Honor Announces Major Main Event – ROH’s biggest show of the year, Final Battle, now has a main event. It’ll be Cody Rhodes defending his ROH World Championship against Dalton Castle. The two have had a quiet feud up until this point, culminating recently in a photo op in the ring, on the same night Cody Rhodes took aim at Roman Reigns’ steroid history. Rhodes was taking a selfie with a ‘masked fan’, who then unmasked himself to be Castle. The rivalry is expected to intensify heading into Final Battle. The event will be at the Hammerstein Ballroom.

Madison Rayne Update – After seemingly being gone from the public eye for a few months, after her IMPACT release, she’s back making the rounds. Raynei is set to return to Ring of Honor for Survival of the Fittest against Deonna Purrazzo in Oklahoma. She also returned to IMPACT Wrestling as a part of the mini-tournament to crown a new Knockouts Champion, after Gail Kim retired as champion.

Quick Hits – Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan’s feud continues with a cease adn desist from someone in Hogan’s camp. “Total Diva’s” drops 56,000 viewers from season premiere. Roman Reigns has been cleared to return to the ring.