CBS Confirms Green Lantern in ‘Justice League’?, Thor Spoilers? and More! – ComicCorp News

CBS Confirms Green Lantern? – CBS has seemingly confirmed the inclusion of the Green Lanterns through a tie in with “The Big Bang Theory”. The image has all of the DC Film Character Logos on a wheel, which includes the never before seen Lantern logo.

With this revelation, I feel I can now confirm that he Lanterns are involved in an undisclosed amount in the film. Talking to a former employee at one of the outlets handling post on the film, they confirmed that you do see what looks to be a Lantern at the beginning of the movie; though they aren’t a comic fan and wasn’t entirely sure, but did say that the character in question had a green hue to it. So there ya go.

First Look at Arrowverse Crossover Villains – The villains for the annual Arrowverse crossover are the main stars; but as Nazi’s. Green Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl are all going to be battling themselves in the crossover of the season. The alternate versions have been revealed in the crossover promotional art, but this is the first we’ve seen them in live action. Barry looks to be dressed in a modified version of the Reverse Flash, Oliver’s dopple-Nazi has a black stylized suit with a mask. Supergirl’s is a bit harder to see from this view point, but like her compatriots, she’s also wearing a mask. This is to make it easier for them film the fight scenes.

Cable News – Josh Brolin is playing both Thanos and Cable in different film universes, but it seems that his role in “Deadpool 2” is the one that is getting the most hype at the moment. Brolin went on to talk about what it was like getting the script, saying;

At first I was like, ‘I don’t know. I want to do George and Tammy.’ My wife — thank god — said to just read it. ‘Why are you even talking, just read it.

…I was thinking big about the four-picture deal. So, on my phone I remember I read it. It was so irreverent and funny and hysterical that once I got through it I was like, ‘that’s it.’ I had no idea [about] the fan-base. I had no idea what it represented, and I think we’ve made something really special.

Quick Hits – Daredevil released a teaser you can see below. Gypsy is not involved in the crossover according to a variety of reports. A huge name drop is coming on “Arrow” this week. Australian hosts, and Chris Hemsowrth seemingly, confirmed that Hela is supposed to be Thor’s sister. We’ll see if that’s true or if Hemsworth is playing the audience.