Because of the lack of news on Sunday’s I’m combining both into one post, for today. I can’t guarantee a Sunday post every week, but I figured why not today?
WWE Signs ‘Firsts’ For Women’s Division – The WWE have signed Indian wrestler Kavita Devi and Shadi Bseiso from Dubai. Devi is a former weight and powerlifter out of India, who started wrestling with the Continental Wrestling Entertainment school, which is ran b the Great Khali. She began working with the WWE loosely during the Mae Young Classic, losing to the eventual winner Dakota Kai in the first round. Shadia Bseiso is a blue belt in brazilian jiu jitsu and was a t.v. host in Dubai.
Wonder Woman 2 Bringing Back Major Character? – Remember the poorly handled and convoluted death and reasoning behind Chris Pine’s death? Well apparently Chris Pine will reprise his role as Steve Trevor in “Wonder Woman 2” according to rumors. “Wonder Woman 2” is rumored to be set in the 1980’s.
Update on the WhatCulture Pro Wrestling ‘5’ – The five members of the WhatCulture Pro Wrestling group have moved on from the company and the promotion they started; WhatCulture Pro Wrestling (now known as Defiance Pro Wrestling). The five started a new group called Cultaholic’s and their first YouTube video (below) is now on their website. The video claims that November 1st will reveal the first details of this new grouping.
Major Death in Avengers 3? – Infinity War is going to kill a few people in the MCU. We know this. We don’t need to be told this. If they don’t, how pathetic, lame and underwhelming will that be? Thanos is the “Mad Titan”, he eats babies, he destroys worlds, he doesn’t pet doggos when doggos ask to be petted. He’s a monster. So it’s even less surprising that Central Casting: Georgia posted the below want ad;
Mourners: Looking for men and women over the age of 18, all ethnicities to portray mourners. Especially looking for good character looks and expressive faces. This will be photo selected by the film’s directors! Size: restrictions: Men no larger than 44 coast, women dress 0-8. FOR NEW FACES ONLY! You cannot have worked on this project previously, or be booked on upcoming days. No Exceptions!
Quick Hits – DDP is releasing a self-help book, entitled; “Own Your Life: How to Make Yourself Positively Unstoppable”. Jared Leto still unsure if he’ll be apart of the “Suicide Squad” sequel. The book does not have a release date yet. Jinder Mahal is doing interviews with various Indian news outlets to promote their shows in December. DC Studios apparently didn’t agree with Zack Snyder’s vision for their films, but wanted to encourage him to make what he wanted because they want to focus on director driven pieces. Keith Lee defeated Matt Riddle for the WWNLive Championship last night in a Last Man Standing match.