Bill Maher Just Doesn’t Get It, Toy Story 4 Adds Action Icon and More!

Bill Maher was on Larry King’s show (remembered when he retired?), and doubled down on his comments on Stan Lee and the comic book industry.  During an exchange, Maher and King exchanged the following:

Maher: But talk about making my point for me: Yeah, I don’t know very much about Stan Lee and it certainly wasn’t a swipe at Stan Lee…

King:You would have liked him. He was a really nice guy.
Maher: Yeah, fine. I am agnostic on Stan Lee. I don’t read comic books. I didn’t even read them when I was a child. What I was saying is, a culture that thinks that comic books and comic book movies are profound meditations on the human condition is a dumb fucking culture. And for people to get mad at that just proves my point.


Maher continues to miss the point.  You can’t judge something you’ve never experienced.  He himself admits that he hasn’t read a comic book ever, yet he seems pretty profound in passing his judgement.  To be fair, his shows are far from being ‘profound’ either.  So maybe this his him lashing out due to his fear of irrelevancy.


Tool Time is over, time to gag it Tim Allen!  Allen, star of the recently revived Last Man Standing and the upcoming Toy Story 4 recently dropped a huge nugget of information, though not a spoiler.  Allen, while on some shitty talk show, revealed that Keanu Reeves was going to be in the new film.  While that’s not a huge spoiler it could just be the start.  Like fucking Mark Ruffalo…I see you too.


I don’t even know how to tell this story; China finds Winnie the Pooh offense due to protestors using it to mock the president.  Because of this, the Chinese president Xi Jinping banned the character due to “… serious effort to undermine the dignity of the presidential office and Xi himself.”  Why does that matter?  Because Pooh is featured in the new Kingdom Hearts trailer, and Square Enix is confounded by this.  Square Enix responded to’s request for a comment by saying;

Unfortunately, Square Enix does not have a comment to share at this time.